Tuesday, June 21, 2005

What Will It Take?

I have just read the minutes from the last EMA meeting at my work. I can tell you I am thouroughly disgusted. Of course, these minutes only pertain to my department, Quality Control (which troubles me even more). I mean we are supposed to "REVIEW THE FOLLOWING NOTES AND BE READY WITH ANY QUESTIONS AND/OR SUGGESTIONS FOR OUR NEXT MEETING". The EMA is the Employee Management Association. You would think there main concern was helping the employees, and it is. However, people seem to push that way too far. I mean the company I work for already provides several things for us that are not required or necessary. Let's see. They have fruit brought in for us to enjoy...FREE. They have vending machines for us to purchase snacks from. There is a small restaurant that sets up in our breakroom for us to buy our lunch. There is FREE coffee and tea. There is also a freezer of Ice Cream that they provide. The Ice Cream costs 50 cents, and they trust you to pay for the ice cream in a box beside the freezer. Yet, some of the request that were made to the EMA were ridiculous. We even had a request for the Company to provide snacks during the EMA meeting (which usually only lasted 15 - 20 minutes). Someone requested the the Company provide More fruit. As if they weren't already getting enough free fruit. they even asked to have a phone placed in the breakroom with outside capabilities. Now that might sound like a decent request, but there is already a phone on almost every desk on the production floor. If you need a phone in the breakroom, it is because you are using it during break, right? Why not just go to one of the desks and use it. It's not that complicated. And the number one ridiculous request is referring to the Ice Cream that I mentioned earlier. Do you remember it? It is provided by the Company to be purchased for 50 cent each. Has anyone tried to buy ice cream at a store? I'm talking about the individually wrapped ice creams. The last time I checked it was around 69 cents for the cheaper stuff. granted,, there are a few good sales that go down to 33 cents a piece. Anyhow, the request was made to sell the Ice Cream for 25 cents or even FREE! All of these requests were declined. I just can't imagine why. Some people just can't be satisfied. Any thoughts?
Geez, I wish I worked there. :)
That would be cool. If you did, I would give you a tour and tell you a little bit about what we do here. I might even introduce you to Big Dave. lol
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